Couples & Marriage Counselling
Servicing Rossland, Trail, Castlegar, Fruitvale & The West Kootenays
Do you feel unheard in your relationship?
Is it hard to work as a team?
Do you often feel like everything is a fight?
Does it feel like passion, romance, and intimacy are gone and you just live with a roomate?
Struggling to stay connected while raising kids?
Are you worried you and your partner are heading for separation?
Relationships are hard. None is harder than the relationship with your partner. Problems in our romantic relationships can often leave us feeling depleted, sad, angry, and frustrated.
When we aren't aligned with our partner it can feel like work is harder, kids are harder, and everything just takes too much energy. Every situation seems to be an argument or battle!
I can help!
How I Help You Overcome Struggles in your
Romantic Relationships
Using Gottman Method based therapies, I help couples disarm conflicting verbal communication; increase intimacy, respect, and affection; remove barriers that create a feeling of stagnancy and emotional loneliness; and create a heightened sense of empathy and understanding within the context of the relationship.
We harness technology and use "The Gottman Checkup" online questionnaire to quickly and effectively identify the patterns that aren't serving your relationship. With this understanding we shift to using more effective communication patterns that restore intimacy and understanding.
Couples counselling has a four part assessment structure. The first session is as a couple, followed by individual sessions for each partner, and the last assessment session is as a couple for treatment planning. From there, depending on the issues identified, we will meet weekly, biweekly, or monthly to address and overcome the issues that are affecting your relationship.